This is an old photo, of the kids I thought I would scrap.....Since I have just renewed our yearly tickets I thought Iam gonna get bucket loads of more photo's from the theme parks.
Plus it won't be long and I won't be able to get them on the smaller rides. Especially Reagan as he is nearly as tall as me (at 10 years old, imagine how tall he will be at 18 ??? ) so I might as well make themost of it while I can.
I hope you scrappers visited the purple Pumpkin SALE.......Yes I spent heaps...
I will be checkin the mail box this excited....
Don't forget to get your sketch entry in over @ Purple Pumkin, I think it closes this week.
I have almost completed mine.
Here is a close up of my layout, I just can't help myself.

Have a great day........Carla